Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blockheadia ringnosii 2006 Sonoma County Zinfandel

Medium-dark garnet color, a bit of petillance forms on the glass.

Toasted oak dominates the smell, tobacco, cherry/berry in the background.

Tart cherry flavor, woody notes, only a hint of alcohol warmth in the finish, quite surprising in a wine of 15% ABV, effect can creep on up you a bit from such a fruity, food-friendly wine.

Very good bottle for $27.99, a pleasant surprise from restaurateur Michael Ouellette. The faux-Linnean name is not explained.


agrajag said...

Zinfandel is relatively unknown to me but I was at Spotted Pig in New York the other day and the Ridge "Three Valleys" was delicious and fairly priced too. It's a pitty we have no easy access to these wines here in this part of the world.

Ed said...

Zinfandel is now known to be the same grape as the Primitivo of Italy and the Crljenak Kaštelanski of Croatia, but what Californians have learned to do with it is quite amazing!

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